Aspergillus sinusitis Author: DW. Denning Download slideshow Go to slides Slide presentations Select Conference nameAdvances Against Aspergillosis & Mucormycosis (AAAM 9th), Lugano, Switzerland 2020Advances Against Aspergillosis 2nd (AAA) February 22-25, 2006 Athens, GreeceAdvances against Aspergillosis 3rd Miami USA. January 16-19 2008Advances against Aspergillosis 4th (AAA), Rome, Italy. Feb 4-6th 2010Advances against Aspergillosis 5th (AAA), Istanbul, Turkey. Jan 26-28th 2012Advances Against Aspergillosis 8th (AAA) January 2018 Lisbon, PortugalAdvances Against Aspergillosis and Mucormycosis meeting 2024Advances Against Aspergillosis, 1st (AAA) September 2004, San FranciscoAdvances Against Aspergillosis/AAA - 6th 27th Feb - 1st Mar 2014 - Main presentationsAdvances Against Aspergillosis/AAA 6th - 27th Feb - 1st Mar 2014 - Workshop slidesAnglo-Celtic debate, Dublin 2005, sponsored by PfizerAnnual Meeting of the Infectious Diseases Society of America 47th (IDSA) Oct 29th-Nov 1st 2009Antifungal Drug Development SummitAspergillus systematics in the genomics era: CBS Fungal biodiversity Centre, Utrecht, the Netherlands from 12-14 April 2007Aspergillus workshop at the 7th European Conference of Fungal Genetics, Copenhagen, April 2004 (ECFG)Belgian Society for Mycology/ SBIMC Nov 8th, 2012British Mycological Society, 6-8 April 2009 (BMS)British Mycological Society, Annual Scientific Meeting 2005. EXPLOITATION OF FUNGI , University of Manchester: September 5-8 2005 (BMS)British Society for Allergy & Clinical Immunology June 29th - 1st July (BSACI)ECCMID 16th (2006) Nice, FranceECCMID 18th (2008) Barcelona, Spain.ECCMID 20th (2010) Vienna, AustriaECCMID 21st / 27th ICC (2011) Milan, ItalyECCMID 22nd (2012), London, UKECCMID 23rd (2013), Berlin, GermanyECCMID 24th (2014), Barcelona, SpainECCMID 25th (2015) Copenhagen DenmarkECCMID 27th (2017) Vienna , AustriaEuropean Respiratory Society (ERS) Advances in the understanding of Aspergillosis 18th-22nd September, 2010Focus on Fungal Infections 14 meeting, New Orleans, March 2004 (FFI)GeneralHS TalksICAAC 2006 Sept 27-30, San FranciscoICAAC 2014, Washington Sep 5-9ICAAC 47th Chicago September 17-20th 2007ICAAC 50th Boston 12th-15th September, 2010ICAAC, 53rd, Denver September 10-13 2013Indoor Air 2015Infocus 2014Infocus VIII Forum de Infeccoes Fungicas na Pratica Clinica Aug 20 -22 2009International Collaborative Mycology Conference (1st Karachi)International Collaborative Mycology Conference 1st 2017International Union of Microbiological Societies 2011( IUMS) Mycology 6-10th SeptISHAM 2006 June 25-29, Paris 2006ISHAM 2015ISHAM 2022ISHAM 20th (2018) Amsterdam, NetherlandsISHAM Asia 2021ISHAM Tokyo May 25-29 2009New York Academy of Sciences: Invasive aspergillosis - New approaches against a dangerous fungal infectionSecond Research Coordination Meeting of IAEA CRP:Behaviour of Cementitious Materials in Long Term Storage and Disposal of Radioactive WasteSociety for Indian Human & Animal Mycologists 12th (SIHAM) Bengalaru 2018Society for Indian Human & Animal Mycologists 9th (SIHAM), Siliguri, India. Feb 10th-12th 2012TIMM 8th 2017Trends in Medical Mycology 2nd, Berlin, October 2005 (TIMM)Trends In Medical Mycology 3rd (TIMM)Trends in Medical Mycology 4th, Athens, Greece, Oct 18th-21st 2009 (TIMM)Trends in Medical Mycology, 6th, Copenhagen, Denmark, October 11-14 2013Trends in Medical Mycology, 7th. Lisbon, Portugal, October 2015 (TIMM) Showing 10 posts of 557 posts found. Title Author Year A fungal protease allergen provokes airway hyper-responsiveness in asthma Kirk M. Druey, MD 2020 Challenge for chronic pulmonary aspergillosis – a common but formidable disease Yoshitsugu Miyazaki 2020 Siderophores and fungal pathogenesis Hubertus Haas 2020 Current epidemiology of invasive fungal infections Prof. Dr. Nina Khanna, MD 2020 One World One Guideline on Mucormycosis. An initiative of the ECMM with the MSG-ERC. Oliver Cornely 2020 Gilead Research Scholars Program: Antifungals Bill Guyer 2020 Q&A Session with Representatives from FDA and EMA Moderators: Professor Oliver A. Cornely MD, FACP, FIDSA, FAAM, FECMM Profes 2020 EU Regulatory Framework for Development of New Antifungal Medicines Dr. Radu Botgros 2020 Regulatory Considerations for Antifungal Drug Development Sumati Nambiar MD MPH 2020 NIH Funding Initiatives Dona Love, PhD 2020 Previous1234567891011121314...56Next