Date uploaded: 8 January 2016
Conference Year: 2016
Radboud Auditorium, Geert Grooteplein 15, 6525 GA, Nijmegen, route 296
Further information:
The subject of ‘Systems Biology of Innate Immunity’ will cover novel aspects on functional genomics, epigenomics, transcriptomics, microbiome and immunometabolism, related to the understanding of innate immune responses. An international group of experts in the field will present their work, including Ido Amit, Luke’O’Neill, Lionel Ivashkiv, Eran Elinav, Bali Pulendran, Ramnik Xavier, Cisca, Wijmenga, Adrian Hill and many others.
In addition, an oral presentation will be chosen from the submitted abstracts, and a ‘Best Presentation Prize’ will be given by Nature Immunology.
Start and End Date: 7 September 2016, 9 September 2016
Start / End date