Conference abbreviation: KISLHC
ASM microbe 2016
Date uploaded: 3 June 2019
Conference Year: 2019
Postal Address:
1st Floor – Room 115, Afya Annex Building, Kenyatta National Hospital Complex
The Nairobi Hospital Convention Centre
Further information:
Respiratory diseases such as Asthma, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, Pneumonia and Tuberculosis remain major causes of illness and death among Kenyans with available statistics suggesting a rising burden of these diseases possibly as a result of increased urbanisation and air pollution.
The Kenya International Scientific Lung Health Conference (KISLHC) offers a platform for dissemination of the most updated information on the latest developments in research and clinical practice in the field of lung health and respiratory medicine. It provides stakeholders an opportunity to debate on controversial issues, challenges, and solutions; share experiences and to bring their personal contribution to the area. The conference will bring together medical practitioners, public health specialists, scientists, scholars, community activists, other health professionals and all stakeholders in promotion of lung health. Participation is also expected from regional and international partners.
The scientific program, in part, consists of plenary sessions presented jointly by international and local speakers with special focus on lung health issues of great public health interest in Kenya. In addition, over the 3 days, there will be thematic parallel sessions and poster presentations addressing the conference theme through a cross-section of tracks listed below. The conference will bring together medical practitioners, public health specialists, scientists, scholars, community activists, other health professionals and all stakeholders in promotion of lung health. Participation is also expected from regional and international partners. The main conference will consist of two plenary sessions and three (3) tracks per day. Each symposium will have at least four speakers per session, while each plenary session will have at least 1 local and 1 international speaker.
A. Skills Training Workshops
- Thoracic Radiology/Ultrasound
- Spirometry
- Operational Research
- Essentials of the Programmatic Management of TB
- Essentials of Tobacco Control in the Youth- Adolescent Group
- Media workshop and meeting of the Parliamentary caucus
B. Plenary Sessions:
- Taking advantage of disruptive technology for health care
- TB: Connecting the dots to End TB
- Obstructive airway diseases
- Lung Infections
- Preamble: Where are we on the UHC agenda?
- Universal Access to Lung Health – UN high level meeting on Tuberculosis: So what?
C. Symposium Sessions:
- Tuberculosis – What have we learnt to shape the future?
- Asthma, Allergy and Immunology
- Paediatric Pneumonia
- Latent Tuberculosis Infection
- Chronic Lung Disorders in Children
- Pneumonia
- Airway Diseases (COPD)
- Paediatric Pulmonary Tuberculosis
- Lung Health Education
- Respiratory Critical Care in Resource-Limited Settings
- Pulmonary Round
- Paediatric – Asthma and Allergy
- Tuberculosis Preventive Therapy
Multi -Drug Resistant (MDR) and Extensively Drug-Resistant (XDR) Tuberculosis- Paediatric Critical Care
- Partnerships for Lung Health
Start and End Date: 25 June 2019, 28 June 2019
Start / End date