ASM microbe 2016
Date uploaded: 12 June 2019
Conference Year: 2019
Postal Address:
Hotel Nijmegen – Lent
Hertog Eduardplein 4
6663 AN
Nijmegen, Netherlands
Further information:
This international conference will cover novel aspects on innate immune memory, starting from evolutionary aspects, to molecular mechanisms, and translational aspects important for infections, vaccination, inflammatory diseases and cancer. An international group of experts in the field will present their work, including Kenneth Walsh, Michael Skinner, Joachim Schultze, Maria-Carla Saleh, Joseph Sun, Triantafyllos Chavakis, Keiko Ozato, Maziar Divangahi, Mihai Netea, Robin Choudhury, Luis Barreiro, Musa Mhlanga, Ramnik Xavier, Christine Stabell-Benn, Nigel Curtis, Willem Mulder.
In addition, oral presentations will be chosen from the submitted abstracts, and a ‘Best Oral Presentation Prize’ and ‘Best Poster prize’ will be awarded.
We would like to invite colleagues in the field to join us in this very exciting scientific meeting. The deadline for abstract submission is 15 September 2019, and for registration is 15 October 2019. The early bird fee is 300 euros and includes registration, lunches and the congress dinner. There will be a limit of 300 participants for the conference.
Start and End Date: 31 October 2019, 1 November 2019
Start / End date