Yam bean starch: a novel substrate for citric acid production by the protease-negative mutant strain of Aspergillus niger

Reference type: Book Section


Sarangbin, S.;Watanapokasin, Y.

Year published: 1999

Full title:

Yam bean starch: a novel substrate for citric acid production by the protease-negative mutant strain of Aspergillus niger

Secondary author:

S. E. Harding

Secondary title:

Polysaccharide Biotechnology


Elsevier Applied Science

Volume: 38; Number 3

Pages: 219-224

Short title:

Yam bean starch: a novel substrate for citric acid production by the protease-negative mutant strain of Aspergillus niger


Accession number: RN056487852

Call number:

547.78 QD320


0144-8617 Quarterly: 4 issues per year English

Record number: 253


aspergillus biotechnology