The influence of magnetic field on the growth of mycelium of Aspergillus giganteus mut. alba. Part II. Horizontal effect of the magnetic field

Reference type: Book Section


Fiema, J.;Filek, M.

Year published: 1998

Full title:

The influence of magnetic field on the growth of mycelium of Aspergillus giganteus mut. alba. Part II. Horizontal effect of the magnetic field

Secondary title:

Application on In Vitro Cultures in Plant Physiology


Polish Academy Sciences Warsaw

Volume: 20; Number 3/Sup

Pages: 18

Short title:

The influence of magnetic field on the growth of mycelium of Aspergillus giganteus mut. alba. Part II. Horizontal effect of the magnetic field


Accession number: RN051971632

Call number:

571.2 QC1


0137-5881 Quarterly: 4 issues per year English

Record number: 523


aspergillus plant