Reference type: Book Section
Aviles, P.;Rodriguez, I.;Echave, I.;Gra¤a, M.;Ruiz-Cabello, J.;Gargallo-Viola, D.
Year published: 1999
Full title:
Neural Network Segmentation and Classification of Serial T2-Weighted Imaging of Murine Aspergillus Fumigatus Thigh Myositis
Secondary author:
A. M. Van Zeller;M. Halder
Secondary title:
Third World Congress on Alternatives and Animal Use in the Life Sciences
Fund for the Replacement of Animals in Medical
Volume: 27; Spi
Pages: 395
Short title:
Neural Network Segmentation and Classification of Serial T2-Weighted Imaging of Murine Aspergillus Fumigatus Thigh Myositis
0000-00-00Accession number: RN064598650
Call number:
619 016 TS1300
0261-1929 Bi-monthly: 5-8 issues per year English
Record number: 375