Monitoring antagonistic fungi deliberately released into the environment edited by Dan Funck Jensen, Hans-Börje Jansson and Arne Tronsmo

Reference type: Book


Dan Funck Jensen, Hans-Börje Jansson and Arne Tronsmo

Year published: 1996

Full title:

Monitoring antagonistic fungi deliberately released into the environment edited by Dan Funck Jensen, Hans-Börje Jansson and Arne Tronsmo

Secondary title:

Developments in plant pathology vol. 8


Dordrecht Kluwer Academic c1996

Short title:

Monitoring antagonistic fungi deliberately released into the environment edited by Dan Funck Jensen, Hans-Börje Jansson and Arne Tronsmo


Label: 1899110054


(B) da 10- Available in the British Library

Record number: 972


fungi plant