Influence of zinc oxide on Aspergillus species: a possible cause of local, non-invasive aspergillosis of the maxillary sinus

Reference type: Book Section


Willinger, B.;Beck-Mannagetta, J.;Hirschl, A. M.;Makristathis, A.;Rotter, M. L.

Year published: 1996

Full title:

Influence of zinc oxide on Aspergillus species: a possible cause of local, non-invasive aspergillosis of the maxillary sinus

Secondary title:

Diagnosis, Therapy and Prophylaxis of Fungal Diseases


Blackwell Wissenschaftsverlag Gmbh

Volume: 39; Number Sup//1

Pages: 20-25

Short title:

Influence of zinc oxide on Aspergillus species: a possible cause of local, non-invasive aspergillosis of the maxillary sinus


Accession number: RN009398314

Call number:

616.969 RC


0933-7407 Monthly: 9-14 issues per year German

Record number: 826


aspergillus aspergillosis Fungal diagnostics