Improved production of enzymes by genetic modification of the filamentous fungus Aspergillus

Reference type: Conference Proceedings


Van den Hondel, C. A. M. J. J.;Verdoes, J. C.;Hessing, J. G. M.;Punt, P. J.

Year published: 1996

Full title:

Improved production of enzymes by genetic modification of the filamentous fungus Aspergillus

Secondary author:

S. A. G. F. Angelino

Secondary title:

Enzymes and grain processing

Place published:

Noordwijkerhout; The Netherlands


TNO Nutrition and Food Research Institute

Pages: 224-230

Date: Dec

Short title:

Improved production of enzymes by genetic modification of the filamentous fungus Aspergillus


Accession number: CN023508263


enzymes grain processing ESEGP


European symposium; 1st EUROPEAN SYMPOSIUM ON ENZYMES AND GRAIN PROCESSING 9075202040 English

Record number: 833


fungus aspergillus genetics enzymes