Reference type: Book
Charles Humfrey, Linda Shuker and Paul Harrison
Year published: 1996
Full title:
IEH assessment on indoor air quality in the home nitrogen dioxide, formaldehyde, volatile organic compounds, house dust mites, fungi and bacteria Medical Research Council, Institute for Environment and Health [written and edited by Charles Humfrey, Linda Shuker and Paul Harrison]
Secondary author:
Environment Medical Research Council Institute for;Health
Leicester IEH 1996
Short title:
IEH assessment on indoor air quality in the home nitrogen dioxide, formaldehyde, volatile organic compounds, house dust mites, fungi and bacteria Medical Research Council, Institute for Environment and Health [written and edited by Charles Humfrey, Linda Shuker and Paul Harrison]
0000-00-00Label: 0901144398
(B) hl 12- Available in the British Library
Record number: 986
fungi Medical