EPR and biochemical study of blood and bronchoalveolar lavage of liquidators and children suffered due to the Chernobyl APS accident

Reference type: Book Section


Pulatova, M. K.;Sharygin, V. L.;Baleva, L. S.;Sipyagina, A. E.;Smotryaeva, A.;Gurevich, S. M.;Kosachenko, A. I.

Year published: 1999

Full title:

EPR and biochemical study of blood and bronchoalveolar lavage of liquidators and children suffered due to the Chernobyl APS accident

Secondary title:

Consequences of the Chernobyl Catastrophe on Human Health

Pages: 211-236

Short title:

EPR and biochemical study of blood and bronchoalveolar lavage of liquidators and children suffered due to the Chernobyl APS accident


Accession number: ISI:000084222000012

URL: ://000084222000012



Author address:

Record number: 265


Medical immunology immunocompromised