Reference type: Book Section
Cole, E. C.;Dulaney, P. D.;Leese, K. E.;Hall, R. M.;Foarde, K. K.;Franke, D. L.;Myers, E. M.;Berry, M. A.
Year published: 1996
Full title:
Biopollutant Sampling and Analysis of Indoor Surface Dusts: Characterization of Potential Sources and Sinks
Secondary author:
B. A. Tichenor
Secondary title:
Characterizing Sources of Indoor Air Pollution and Related Sink Effects
American Technical Publishers Ltd
Volume: 1287
Pages: 153-165
Short title:
Biopollutant Sampling and Analysis of Indoor Surface Dusts: Characterization of Potential Sources and Sinks
0000-00-00Accession number: RN011131128
Call number:
620.11 TA
0066-0558 Irregular: frequency variable English
Record number: 981
allergy aerobiology medical