What the Aspergillus genomes have told us


W C Nierman, G May, H S Kim, M J Anderson, D Chen & D W Denning

Date: 17 January 2007


The sequencing and annotation of the genomes of the first strains of Aspergillus nidulans, Aspergillus oryzae, and Aspergillus fumigatus will be seen in retrospect as a transformational event in Aspergillus biology. With this event the entire genetic composition of A. nidulans, the sexual experimental model organism of the genus Aspergillus, A. oryzae, the food biotechnology organism which is the product of centuries of cultivation, and A. fumigatus, the most common causative agent of invasive aspergillosis is now revealed to the extent that we are at present able to understand. Each genome exhibits a large set of genes common to the three as well as a much smaller set of genes unique to each. Moreover, these sequences serve as resources providing the major tool to expanding our understanding of the biology of each. Transcription profiling of A. fumigatus at high temperatures and comparative genomic hybridization between A. fumigatus and a closely related Aspergillus species provides microarray based examples of the beginning of functional analysis of the genomes of these organisms going forward from the genome sequence.

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