Symptoms, spirometry, and serum antibody concentrations among compost workers exposed to organic dust

Symptoms, spirometry, and serum antibody concentrations among compost workers exposed to organic dust


Vera van Kampen, Anja Deckert, Frank Hoffmeyer, Dirk Taeger, Elmar Brinkmann, Thomas Brüning, Monika Raulf-Heimsoth & Jürgen Bünger

Date: 11 June 2012


Work-related symptoms and diseases of 190 currently exposed compost workers, 59 former compost workers, and 38 nonexposed control subjects were investigated in a cross-sectional study. Using a standardized questionnaire, participants were asked for work-related symptoms, exposures to bioaerosols, atopic diseases, and smoking habits. The subjects underwent a physical examination and a lung function test. In addition, total immunoglobulin (Ig) E, IgE specific to environmental allergens and moulds, and IgG specific to molds and actinomycetes were quantified. Compared to controls, compost workers suffered more often from cough and irritation of the eyes in terms of mucosal membrane irritation (MMI). Former compost workers reported similar work-related complaints, but most MMI symptoms had improved after termination of bioaerosol exposure. In contrast, cough and dyspnea persisted, indicating a chronic process. Lung function parameters of compost workers were within the reference ranges. Nevertheless, forced vital capacity (FVC) was significantly lower than for controls. Specific IgE to environmental allergens and molds was positive in 25.3% and 7.4%, respectively, of currently exposed compost workers. There were no marked differences in IgE and IgG concentrations among the three groups. Compost workers suffered with a higher frequency from cough and MMI symptoms. The findings that MMI symptoms improved in former compost workers after leaving the job confirmed the association with bioaerosol exposure. Further, the reduced FVC may be produced by this exposure. There was no higher frequency of mold sensitization in the group of compost workers compared to controls, which may be an indication of a healthy worker survivor effect.

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