Quinolines derivatives as promising new antifungal candidates for the treatment of candidiasis and dermatophytosis.

Quinolines derivatives as promising new antifungal candidates for the treatment of candidiasis and dermatophytosis.


da Rosa Monte Machado G, Diedrich D, Ruaro TC, Zimmer AR, Lettieri Teixeira M, de Oliveira LF, Jean M, Van de Weghe P, de Andrade SF, Baggio Gnoatto SC, Fuentefria AM.

Date: 31 July 2020


Fungal infections have emerged as a current serious global public health problem. The main problem involving these infections is the expansion of multidrug resistance. Therefore, the prospection of new compounds with efficacy antifungal becomes necessary. Thus, this study evaluated the antifungal profile and toxicological parameters of quinolines derivatives against Candida spp. and dermatophyte strains. As a result, a selective anti-dermatophytic action was demonstrated by compound 5 (geometric means (GM = 19.14 μg ml-1)). However, compounds 2 (GM = 50 μg ml-1) and 3 (GM = 47.19 μg ml-1) have presented only anti-Candida action. Compounds 3 and 5 did not present cytotoxic action. Compound 5 did not produce dermal and mucosal toxicity. In addition, this compound showed the absence of genotoxic potential, suggesting safety for topical and systemic use. Quinolines demonstrated a potent anti-dermatophytic and anti-yeast action. Moreover, compound 5 presented an excellent toxicological profile, acting as a strong candidate for the development of a new effective and safe compound against dermatophytosis of difficult treatment.

Keywords: Antifungal potential; Candida; Dermatophyte; Fungal resistance; Quinoline derivatives.

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