Primary aspergilloma of paranasal sinues in the Sudan
Milošev B, Mahgoub S El, Abdel Aal O, El Hassan AM
Date: 2 July 2008
ASPERGILLOMA is a fungal granuloma which can primarily affect the paranasal sinuses and later involve the orbit. The sole causative organism in the Sudan is Aspergillus flavus.Preliminary reports of the condition in the Sudan were published by Milosev, Davidson, Gentles, and Sandison (1966) and by Sandison, Gentles, Davidson, and MiloSev (1967).This paper describes the clinical, pathological, and mycological findings in 17 patients treated in Khartoum Hospital since 1963. The histological diagnosis was first suspected by Professor Lynch when he saw a granuloma, resembling that caused by Aspergillus species, in biopsy material from 3 patients with proptosis. However, the organism was not cultured at that time.
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