Postoperative Aspergillus Infection: A Case Series.

Postoperative Aspergillus Infection: A Case Series.


Bilgic A, Kodjikian L, Gonzalez-Cortes JH, Heuvels A, Heuvels P, Sudhalkar A, Mathis T.

Date: 1 August 2022


Purpose: To report the clinical findings, therapy and outcomes of pauci-symptomatic Aspergillus infection in 11 eyes of 11 patients who had recently undergone uneventful cataract surgery and IOL implantation in a single operating room on the same day.

Methods: Retrospective, observational study that looks at 11 patients who demonstrated Aspergillus infection after cataract surgery. All data were collected and intracameral samples sent for microscopic evaluation and culture. Additional swabs were sent from the operating room and operative consumables.

Results: A total of 11 eyes of 11 patients were included in the analysis and were followed for at least 12 months. All patients responded completely to local and systemic voriconazole therapy. The source of infection was noted to be air-conditioning vents. Eyes with manual small incision cataract surgery (11/17) had a higher propensity for infection.

Conclusion: Pauci-symptomatic aspergillosis infection has been reported here following cataract surgery.

Keywords: Air-vents; aspergillosis; endophthalmitis; infection; postoperative.

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