Post Covid-19 Acute Invasive Fungal Rhinosinusitis (AIFR): A Study of Histopathological Findings After FESS in Radiologically Diagnosed AIFR.

Post Covid-19 Acute Invasive Fungal Rhinosinusitis (AIFR): A Study of Histopathological Findings After FESS in Radiologically Diagnosed AIFR.


Vadher PR, Mistry SN, Vasani A.

Date: 6 November 2022


COVID-19 pandemic has led to a concerning surge of post-COVID-19 AIFR. Mucormycosis (BLACK fungus) is a rare but severe and life-threatening fungal infection occurred by mucormycetes, a family of moulds. More than 49,000 cases of AIFR were reported in three months in India. It primarily affects diabetics and spreads from the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses (PNS). It also involves eye, palate, or brain. It is diagnosed clinically followed by radiological and pathological findings. We aimed to compare and analyse the pre-operative imaging with postoperative histopathological findings. The study was conducted in ENT department of tertiary care hospital, Rajkot. 200 patients were randomly selected who were presented to ENT OPD with clinically suspected Post COVID-19 AIFR. All patients underwent detailed ENT examination and radiological modality like MRI PNS, Brain, and Orbit. After proper pre-op evaluation, all patients underwent Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery (FESS). MRI findings were confirmed with that of histopathological findings done on KOH mount. All the patients were showing AIFR on MRI findings whereas 49% of patients had mucormycosis on Histopathology. Various other fungal infections like aspergillosis (7%), candidiasis (1.5%) were also found on HPE. 9% of patients showed combined infection with mucor and aspergillus species. Rest of the patients showed non-fungal rhinosinusitis. Inflow of the epidemic, plenty of patients were shown invasive fungal sinusitis in MRI patterns whereas many of them were HPE negative. Thus this study was done to know the efficacy of radiological features with pathological diagnosis. We have considered both procedures standard in our study.

Keywords: AIFR; Covid-19; FESS; Histopathology; Mucormycosis; Radiology.

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