Pharmacology of Systemic Antifungal Agents
Dodds Ashley E.S., Lewis R., Lewis J.S., Martin C., Andes D.
Date: 5 July 2006
Traditionally, many invasive fungal infections were associated with a poor prognosis, because effective therapeuticoptions were limited. The recent development of new antifungal agents has significantly contributedto the successful treatment of fungal diseases. These drugs offer novel mechanisms of action and expandedspectrums of activity over traditional treatment options. However, with these new agents comes the need forincreased awareness of the potential interactions and toxicities associated with these drugs. Therefore, anunderstanding of the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic properties of the classes of antifungal compoundsis vital for the effective management of invasive fungal infections. This review provides a summary of thepharmacologic principles involved in treatment of fungal diseases.
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