Percutaneous transthoracic needle biopsies in immunocompromised hosts with suspicious pulmonary infection: diagnostic yields and complications.
Lim WH, Park CM.
Date: 27 April 2021
Background: Pulmonary infection is a major cause of morbidity and mortality in immunocompromised patients, in whom diagnostic yields of cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT)-guided percutaneous transthoracic needle biopsies (PTNBs) have not been evaluated so far.
Purpose: To evaluate diagnostic yields and complications of CBCT-guided PTNBs in immunocompromised patients.
Material and methods: From January 2015 to January 2018, 43 patients (25 men, 18 women; mean age 54.1 ± 16.4 years) who were suspected of having pulmonary infections were included in this retrospective study. Electronic medical records and radiologic studies were reviewed, including the underlying medical status, information on target lesions, PTNB procedural factors, and pathologic results. Logistic regression was performed to explore factors related with post-PTNB complications.
Results: Among 43 patients, specific causative organisms or family of organisms were identified by PTNBs in 16 patients (37.2%). The most common causative organism was fungus (10/16, 62.5%), while bacterial infection was pathologically proven only in one patient (6.3%). Clinically significant change in management occurred in 12 of 43 patients (27.9%). Post-PTNB complications developed in 12 patients (27.9%; pneumothorax [n = 6] and hemoptysis [n = 6]) without PTNB-related mortality. Lower lobar location (odds ratio [OR] = 0.07, P = 0.006) was related with post-PTNB pneumothorax, while lower platelet counts (≤127 × 103/µL) were associated with post-PTNB hemoptysis (OR = 9.82, P = 0.025).
Conclusion: CBCT-guided PTNBs revealed microbiological pathogens in 37.2% of immunocompromised patients and led to subsequent clinical actions in 27.9% of patients. Post-PTNB complications occurred in 27.9% of patients, and it might be necessary to perform PTNBs more carefully in immunocompromised patients with lower platelet counts.
Keywords: Thorax; biopsy; infection; interventional; lung.
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