Mycotoxin producing fungi
ML Abarca, MR Bragulat, G Castellá, F Accensi & FJ Cabañes
Date: 4 April 2004
Mycotoxins are relatively small molecules characterized by a diversity of chemicalstructure and a diversity of biological activity. They are often genotypicallyspecific for a group of species, but the same compound can also be formed byfungi belonging to different genera. Most of the mycotoxins known have beenrecognized as metabolic products of Aspergillus, Penicillium and Fusarium species.This review will be focused on aflatoxins, ochratoxins and fumonisinsbecause of their hazard to animal and human health. The production of thesemycotoxins have been usually associated with a small number of species butsome recent studies have reported the production of these mycotoxins by someother species. These results show that mycotoxin production is broader than isnormaly thought, so the possibility can not be ruled out that new species may bea new source of unexpected mycotoxins in their natural substrates.
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