Management of Fungal Rhinosinusitis: Experience From a Tertiary Care Centre in North India.

Management of Fungal Rhinosinusitis: Experience From a Tertiary Care Centre in North India.


Monga S, Malik JN, Sharma A, Agarwal D, Priya R, Naseeruddin K.

Date: 4 April 2022


Introduction Fungal rhinosinusitis (FRS) has increased over the past few decades due to the rampant use of antibiotics, steroids, immunosuppressive drugs, increased incidence of HIV and uncontrolled diabetes. The current study reviews the types, clinical presentation, microbiology, histopathology and outcomes related to FRS in a tertiary care center in North India. Methods We retrospectively reviewed the clinical and follow-up records of patients diagnosed with FRS over three years. The data reviewed included clinical workup, ophthalmological profile, comorbidities, immunological status, radiological investigations, intraoperative and histopathological findings, treatment and follow-up records. In addition, we performed a descriptive analysis of the reviewed data. Results The study consisted of 30 FRS patients (16 male, 14 female). In that, 77% of cases were of allergic FRS, while fungal ball, chronic invasive, chronic granulomatous and acute invasive FRS represented 3%, 10%, 3% and 7% cases, respectively. The most common presentation in non-invasive forms was nasal obstruction, nasal discharge, hyposmia and polyposis, while it was facial pain and headache in the invasive varieties. After appropriate medical and surgical management through endoscopic sinus surgery, the recurrence rate in non-invasive and invasive fungal sinusitis was 16.6% and 20.8%, respectively. There was nil mortality at a minimum of one year of follow-up. Conclusion The non-invasive forms of FRS are common and have a relatively mild course. Early medical and surgical intervention and management of the underlying comorbidities are the key factors in managing invasive FRS. Close follow-up after surgery is also necessary for the timely detection and management of recurrences.

Keywords: allergic fungal rhinosinusitis; aspergillus; endoscopic sinus surgery; invasive fungal rhinosinusitis; liposomal amphotericin; otorhinolaryngology.

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