Low genetic variation and no detectable population structure in aspergillus fumigatus compared to closely related Neosartorya species.
Rydholm C, Szakacs G, Lutzoni F
Date: 2 May 2006
Aspergillus fumigatus is an anamorphic euascomycete mold with a ubiquitous presence worldwide. Despite intensive work to understand its success as a pathogen infecting immunosuppressed patients, the population dynamics and recent evolutionary history of A. fumigatus remain understudied. We examined patterns of genetic variation at three intergenic loci for 70 natural isolates from Europe, North America, South America, Asia, Africa, and Australia. The same loci were used to analyze within-population genetic variation for 33 isolates obtained from five geographic locations. Neither data set detected evidence of population differentiation or found any association between the genetic and geographic distances among these isolates. No evidence for genetic differentiation within the two A. fumigatus mating types was detected. The genetic diversity of A. fumigatus, contrasted with that of its close teleomorphic relatives, Neosartorya fischeri and Neosartorya spinosa, is remarkably low.
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