Interpretation, pitfalls of biomarkers in diagnosis of invasive fungal diseases.
Lass-Florl C, Alastruey-Izquierdo A, Gupta R, Chakroborti A.
Date: 12 August 2022
Background: Invasive Fungal Diseases (IFD), account for high morbidity and mortality in immunocompromised and seriously ill patients worldwide. Early, faster and accurate diagnosis with timely and appropriate patient management is critical for improved patient outcome and antifungal stewardship. Clinical/radiological presentations in IFD are non-specific and microscopy/culture based tests have low sensitivity and long turnaround time. Biomarkers have clinical utility for diagnosing IFD but their interpretation is not straight forward.
Objectives: This review discusses the salient characteristics, clinical usefulness and limitations of common biomarkers such as Galactomannan (GM), 1-3, β D glucan (βDG), mannan, anti-mannan antibody (Mn/antiMn), Cryptococcal antigen test (CrAg), Nucleic Acid Amplification (NAA) tests and next generation sequencing for diagnosing IFD.
Contents: Fungal biomarkers are useful adjuncts as screening and diagnostic tools for IFD and are much more suited for ‘ruling out’ rather than ‘ruling in’ disease. GM, NAA tests are promising biomarkers for screening of invasive Aspergillosis in high risk asymptomatic patients who are not on antifungal therapy and for diagnosis of breakthrough infections in symptomatic patients. 1-3, β D glucan has limitations both as a ‘rule in’ and ‘rule out’ test and is useful in only specific clinical settings. Two consecutive positive 1-3-βDG tests or combined positivity with GM increases its specificity. Mn/antiMn, T2Candida nano diagnostic panel are promising candidates for diagnosing invasive candidiasis. Combining two or more biomarkers improves the sensitivity for prompt initiation of antifungal therapy and the negative predictive value for suspension of empirical treatment. Serum CrAg test is a good ‘rule in’ rather than a ‘rule out’ test in immunocompetent patients but has good diagnostic accuracy in immunocompromised patients. Detection of single nucleotide polymorphisms by next generation sequencing is useful for fungal characterization and identification of host determinants responsible for increased susceptibility to fungal infections but is still in experimental stages.
Keywords: Fungal biomarkers; Galactomannan; Invasive fungal diseases; β D glucan.
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