Interlaboratory reproducibility of a single locus sequence-based method for strain typing of Aspergillus fumigatus


Hurst SF, Kidd SE, Morrissey CO, Snelders E, Melchers WJ, Castelli MV, Mellado E, Simmon K, Petti CA, Richardson S, Zhang S, Romanelli AM, Wickes BL, de Valk HA, Klaassen CH, Balajee SA

Date: 8 May 2009


Seven international laboratories tested the recently proposed single locus typing strategy for A. fumigatus sub-typing for interlaboratory reproducibility. Comparative sequence analyses of portions of the locus AFUA_3G08990, a putative cell surface protein (denoted as CSP), was performed with a panel of Aspergillus isolates. Each laboratory followed very different protocols for extracting DNA, PCR, and sequencing. Results revealed that the CSP typing method was a reproducible and portable strain typing method.

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