Identification of allergens from Aspergillus fumigatus-Potential association with lung damage in asthma.
Rick EM, Woolnough K, Richardson M, Monteiro W, Craner M, Bourne M, Cousins DJ, Swoboda I, Wardlaw AJ, Pashley CH.
Date: 9 February 2024
Background: Component-resolved diagnosis allows detection of IgE sensitization having the advantage of reproducibility and standardization compared to crude extracts. The main disadvantage of the traditional allergen identification methods, 1- or 2-dimensional western blotting and screening of expression cDNA libraries with patients’ IgEs, is that the native structure of the protein is not necessarily maintained.
Methods: We used a novel immunoprecipitation technique in combination with mass spectrometry to identify new allergens of Aspergillus fumigatus. Magnetic Dynabeads coupled with anti-human IgE antibodies were used to purify human serum IgE and subsequently allergens from A. fumigatus protein extract.
Results: Of the 184 proteins detected by subsequent mass peptide fingerprinting, a subset of 13 were recombinantly expressed and purified. In a panel of 52 A. fumigatus-sensitized people with asthma, 23 non-fungal-sensitized asthmatics and 18 healthy individuals, only the former showed an IgE reaction by immunoblotting and/or ELISA. We discovered 11 proteins not yet described as A. fumigatus allergens, with fructose-bisphosphate aldolase class II (FBA2) (33%), NAD-dependent malate dehydrogenase (31%) and Cu/Zn superoxide dismutase (27%) being the most prevalent. With respect to these three allergens, native versus denatured protein assays indicated a better recognition of the native proteins. Seven of 11 allergens fulfilled the WHO/IUIS criteria and were accepted as new A. fumigatus allergens.
Conclusion: In conclusion, we introduce a straightforward method of allergen identification from complex allergenic sources such as A. fumigatus by immunoprecipitation combined with mass spectrometry, which has the advantage over traditional methods of identifying allergens by maintaining the structure of the proteins.
Keywords: Aspergillus fumigatus; allergens; allergic fungal airway disease; immunoprecipitation.
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