GFP-tagged expression analysis revealed that some histidine kinases of Aspergillus nidulans show temporally and spatially different expression during the life cycle


Suzuki A, Kanamaru K, Azuma N, Kato M, Kobayashi T

Date: 4 March 2008


His-Asp phosphorelays are signal transduction mechanisms widely found in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes. The phosphorelay comprises three types of signal transducers: a sensor with histidine kinase (HK), a response regulator containing a phospho-accepting receiver (RR), and a histidine-containing phosphotransmitter (HPt). In this study, we examined HK expression using a green fluorescent protein (GFP) reporter driven by HK promoters in Aspergillus nidulans. All the transformants showed fluorescence derived from GFP in a submerged culture, although some of them were very weak, indicating that all the promoters were active. As judged by the fluorescence of transformants grown on a culture plate on which sexual development was induced, promoters of fphA, hk-8-2, and hk-8-5 preferentially functioned in conidial heads, the promoter of phkA preferentially functioned in cleistothecia, and the promoters of tcsB and nikA function in both conidial heads and cleistothecia. These results indicate that at least some HKs of A. nidulans showed temporally and spatially different expression during the cell cycle.

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