Georg Fresenius and the species Aspergillus fumigatus]
Schmidt A
Date: 20 January 2009
The species Aspergillus fumigatus was first extensively described by G. Fresenius. J. B. Georg W. Fresenius was born in Frankfurt/Main, Germany, in 1808 and also died there in 1866. He studied medicine and finished his doctorate thesis (MD) in 1829. Afterwards he started his career as a physician and surgeon in Frankfurt/Main in the same year. In 1831 Fresenius became a university lecturer for botany at the Senckenbergisches medicinisches Institut; this institute specialized in botany. In this year Fresenius also became the director of the botanical gardens of Frankfurt/Main. Apart from his collaboration in the institute for agriculture he actively participated in the microscopical association of Frankfurt as well as the Senckenbergische medicinische Gesellschaft. Almost over the whole period, Fresenius also worked as a physician taking care of miserable people. The outstanding publications of Fresenius are Die Flora von Frankfurt (Flora of Frankfurt) and Beiträge zur Mykologie (Contributions to Mycology). The monograph Beiträge zur Mykologie was published by Fresenius as a dedication for the centennial celebrations of the Senckenberg foundation (Senckenbergische Stiftung). It contains 132 pages and 13 excellent lithographic figures (Camera lucida). The third part of this monograph also contains the description of the species A. fumigatus. Fresenius was an engaged physician as well as an outstanding researcher and expert in natural sciences who described numerous new fungal species some of which are still accepted nowadays in accordance with the International Code of Botanical Nomenclature.
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