Experimental assessment of disinfection procedures for eradication of Aspergillus fumigatus in food


Noussair L, Bouakline A, Roux N, Lacroix C, Derouin F, Gangneux JP

Date: 30 October 2002


Invasive aspergillosis is a major opportunistic fungal infection in patients with prolonged neutropenia. Previous studies showed that food is a potential source of fungal exposure. In particular, black pepper, regular and herbal tea, but also fruits, freeze-dried soup and individual wrappings. Objective In this study, we examined the efficacy of several thermic procedures such as oven heating, microwave irradiation (MW), or hot water (60°C and 100°C), and chemical procedures such as ethanol 70% or soap, that can be applied on foods and wrappings for the eradication of A. fumigatus (A.f.) contamination.

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