Environmental surveillance of fungi and susceptibility to antifungal agents in tertiary care hospitals.

Environmental surveillance of fungi and susceptibility to antifungal agents in tertiary care hospitals.


Badiee P, Ghadimi-Moghadam A, Bayatmanesh H, Soltani J, Salimi-Khorashad AR, Ghasemi F, Amin Shahidi M, Jafarian H.

Date: 4 December 2023


Saprophytic fungi can cause nosocomial infections in high-risk patients. These infections are related to high mortality and cost. In the current study, different species of filamentous fungi and yeast were isolated from the environment of the studied hospitals. Some species were resistant to antifungal drugs. We suggest that the future work concentrates on the relationship between the level/quantification of saprophytic contamination in the environment of hospitals and fungal infections in patients.

Keywords: Aspergillus; Candida; Mucorales; environmental fungi; nosocomial infection.

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