Comparative Genome Sequence Analyses of Geographic Samples of Aspergillus fumigatus-Relevance for Amphotericin B Resistance

Comparative Genome Sequence Analyses of Geographic Samples of Aspergillus fumigatus-Relevance for Amphotericin B Resistance


Yuying Fan, Yue Wang and Jianping Xu

Date: 28 October 2020


Amphotericin B (AMB) is a major fungicidal polyene agent that has a broad spectrum of action against invasive fungal infections. AMB is typically used as the last-line drug against serious and life-threatening infections when other drugs have failed to eliminate the fungal pathogens. Recently, AMB resistance in Aspergillus fumigatus has become more evident. For example, a high rate of AMB resistance (96%) was noted in the A. fumigatus population in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. AMB-resistant strains have also been found in other countries. However, the mechanism of AMB resistance remains largely unknown. Here, we investigated the potential genes and mutations associated with AMB resistance using whole-genome sequences and examined AMB resistance distribution among genetic populations. A total of 196 whole-genome sequences representing strains from 11 countries were examined. Analyses of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) at the whole-genome level revealed that these strains belonged to three divergent genetic clusters, with the majority (90%) of AMB resistant strains located in one of the three clusters, Cluster 2. Our analyses identified over 60 SNPs significantly associated with AMB resistance. Together, these SNPs represent promising candidates from which to investigate the putative molecular mechanisms of AMB resistance and for their potential use in developing rapid diagnostic markers for clinical screening of AMB resistance in A. fumigatus.

Keywords: Aspergillus; Aspergillus fumigatus; amphotericin B; antifungal drug; comparative genomics; resistance; whole-genome sequencing.

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