Combined effects of repeated low doses of aflatoxin B1and T-2 toxin on the Chinese hamster
Date: 24 February 2008
ABSTRACT: The aim of this work was to find out how repeated low doses of aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) and T-2 toxin would influencethe Chinese hamster and if the amplifying of these effects would occur with the application of both toxins together. Theanimals were treated with 10 ml/kg of 7% dimethylsulfoxid (DMSO) in the control group (C), 1.0 mg/kg of AFB1 in group A,1.0 mg/kg of T-2 toxin in group T2, and 1.0 mg/kg of AFB1 + 1.0 mg/kg of T-2 toxin in group T2/A. All mycotoxins weredissolved in 10 ml/kg of 7% DMSO. These doses were administered intragastrically twice a week for a period of three weeks.General health condition, histological picture of some internal organs, some biochemical blood serum indicators of liver andkidney functions, and leucogram were monitored. No differences in prosperity or weight gains appeared during the course of theexperiment. The histological examination did not show any changes in the investigated organs in any experimental group. Onthe contrary, differences were found in the biochemical blood serum profile. ALT and AST activities decreased significantly inT2/A group animals compared with the other medicated groups (T2 – 24.46 μkat/l; 45.18 μkat/l; A – 18.17; 41.84; T2/A – 4.74;14.21). A similar decrease appeared in GMT activity as well, but it was significant only in comparison with the T2 group (T2- 0.6 μkat/l; T2/A – 0.25). ALP activity was increased in the experimental groups compared with the control, significantly inthe T2 group (C – 5.0 μkat/l; T2 – 6.92). LDH activity was lower in the T2 and T2/A groups, significantly when the T2/A groupwas compared with the A group (A – 94.05 μkat/l;; T2/A – 37.48). The cholesterol level was significantly increased in group Acompared with the C and T2 groups. A smaller increase in the T2/A group was significant when compared with the T2 group aswell (C – 3.05 mmol/l; T2 – 2.85; A – 3.59; T2/A – 3.27). Total and conjugated bilirubin concentrations decreased in grouporder A – C – T2 – T2/A, when differences among the A, T2 and T2/A groups were significant (T2 – 1.0 mmol/l; 0.36 mmol/l;A – 2.36; 0.85; T2/A – 0.69; 0.21). A glycemia decrease in medicated groups was significant in the T2/A group, while itapproached a significant level in the T2 group (C – 10.46 mmol/l; T2 – 9.01; T2/A – 8.91). The main liver condition indicatorsseemed to be influenced by the T-2 toxin and AFB1 combination more than by individually applied toxins. We assume theamplification of the mycotoxin effects on proteosynthesis. The ALT activity especially was probably influenced more than inthe additive manner. All the medicated groups showed a significant increase in the monocyte percent count (T2 – 9.8%; A -9.62; T2/A – 8.85; C – 6.65). The differences observed in other leucocyte types were not significant. There were no differencesin the effects of individual mycotoxins and their combination on the leucogram level.
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