Characterization of Treatment Response Outcomes in Chronic Pulmonary Aspergillosis: CPAnet Definitions Versus the Existing Criteria

Characterization of Treatment Response Outcomes in Chronic Pulmonary Aspergillosis: CPAnet Definitions Versus the Existing Criteria


Inderpaul Singh Sehgal . Kajal Arora . Oliver A. Cornely . Helmut J. F. Salzer .
Sahajal Dhooria . Kuruswamy Thurai Prasad . Mandeep Garg .
Shivaprakash M. Rudramurthy . Valliappan Muthu . Ashutosh Nath Aggarwal .
Arunaloke Chakrabarti . Ritesh Agarwal

Date: 8 June 2023


Background: The chronic pulmonary aspergillosis network (CPAnet) has recently proposed definitions for treatment outcomes in CPA. However, these definitions need to be validated. Herein, we evaluate the agreement between the existing and the CPAnet definitions for response assessment.

Methods: We enrolled consecutive treatment-naïve CPA subjects (between January 2021 and June 2021) who received six months of itraconazole therapy and followed them for an additional six months after treatment discontinuation. We retrospectively applied the CPAnet criteria and compared the agreement between the existing and the CPAnet criteria for response assessment (primary objective). We also assessed if adding weight loss (> 5% from baseline) as a component improved the performance of the CPAnet criteria.

Results: We included 43 (mean age, 47.4 years) CPA subjects. The existing and the CPAnet criteria categorized 29 (67.4%) and 30 (69.8%) subjects as treatment success, respectively, at treatment completion. There was substantial (kappa = 0.73; p < 0.0001) agreement between the two definitions. However, both criteria did not identify eight subjects requiring treatment re-initiation within three months. There was an increment in the sensitivity of both criteria (by 36%) for identifying treatment failure after incorporating ≥ 5% weight loss as an element of worsening.

Conclusion: The CPAnet definitions correctly categorized treatment outcomes in most cases of CPA. The addition of weight change would further enhance the performance of the CPAnet treatment outcome definitions.

Keywords: CCPA; Fungal-ball; Post-tuberculosis lung disease; Subacute invasive aspergillosis.

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