Cerebral aspergillose.

Cerebral aspergillose.


Frascheri L, Breivik B, Helleren R.

Date: 7 April 2021


Background: The diagnosis of intracerebral fungal abscesses may be difficult due to the paucity of laboratory tests and similar radiological appearance to other lesions.

Case presentation: We present an immunocompromised woman in her forties who was admitted with a diagnosis of bacterial meningitis. MRI examination showed findings suggestive of fungal abscesses, and a subsequent lumbar puncture showed PCR positive for non-fumigatus Aspergillus. The patient received antifungal treatment and had satisfactory clinical, biochemical and radiological response. Consecutive MRI examinations over the following weeks showed gradual decrease of abscesses, with almost complete resolution within 12 weeks.

Interpretation: Adequate management of brain abscesses requires correct identification of the causative agent, so that proper treatment can be initiated as soon as possible. MRI plays an important role in distinguishing between pyogenic and fungal brain abscesses. Headaches or focal neurological deficits in immunocompromised patients should cause CNS fungal infection to be considered.

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