Aspergillus longivesica, a New Species from Nigerian Soil


Huang LH and Raper KB

Date: 12 June 2008


A new species in the Aspergillus clavatus group, A. longivesica Huang & Raper, is described. Two isolates of this fungus were obtained from Nigerian soil. It is characterized by blue-green heads, a single series of sterigmata, and conidia with prominent connectives. There are two types of conidiophores: short and long. The short conidiophores bear globose vesicles with uniform elliptical conidia. The long conidiophores are wide and thick-walled, producing elongate, fusoid-clavate vesicles, fusoid-clavate heads in which the conidial chains do not adhere to form divergent columns, and conidia which vary in size and shape. The long conidiophore is positively phototropic and elongates only in the presence of light.

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