Aquatic fungi associated with seven species of Nile fishes (Egypt)


el-Hissy FT, Khallil AR, el-Nagdy MA

Date: 1 January 2000


Ten identified species in addition to 2 unidentified species of Achlya and Pythium which belong to seven zoosporic fungal genera (aquatic freshwater fungi) were recovered during this investigation. The fish species with most zoosporic fungi (5 species and 3 genera) was Tilapia nilotica. The fish species with least fungi were Bagrus bayad and Syndontis schall (yielded only one species each). Mormyrus kannum did not give any zoosporic fungal species. Some aquatic fungi emerged only from internal organs of some fish species. 46 species belonging to 22 terrestrial fungal genera were also recovered during this work. The broadest spectrum (15 species) was recorded in the second external wash water (WE2) of Mormyrus kannum and the narrowest spectrum (2 species) in the second internal wash water (WI2) of Schilbe mystus and with the scales of Labeo niloticus. First wash water of internal organs (WI1) of Tilapia nilotica yielded the highest total count (6.95% of total count) and the second wash water of internal organs (WI2) of Schilbe mystus yielded the lowest total count (0.34% of total count). Nile water sample (NW) yielded 3.67% of total fungi and eight species which belong to seven genera. Aspergillus was the most common (31 out of 31 samples) and yielded 52.40% of total fungi. It was represented by 12 species and one variety of A. flavus var. columnaris (broadest spectrum). Penicillium was represented by 7 species and found in 19 out of 31 samples yielding 11.02% of total fungi.

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