Antiviral activity of itraconazole against type I feline coronavirus infection.

Antiviral activity of itraconazole against type I feline coronavirus infection.


Takano T, Akiyama M, Doki T, Hohdatsu T.

Date: 22 March 2019


Feline coronaviruses (FCoVs) are the causative agents of severe systemic disease (feline infectious peritonitis: FIP) in domestic and wild cats. FCoVs have been classified into serotypes I and II. Type I FCoV is the dominant serotype (approximately 70-90%) worldwide. Therefore, it is necessary to provide antiviral agents for type I FCoV infection. In this study, we demonstrated that itraconazole (ICZ), practically used for fungal infections in cats, inhibits the type I FCoV infection. ICZ also exhibited antiviral effect in cells after viral infection, suggesting that ICZ could potentially be used as a therapeutic.

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