Antifungal susceptibility of the clinical and environmental strains of Cryptococcus gattii sensu lato in Taiwan.

Antifungal susceptibility of the clinical and environmental strains of Cryptococcus gattii sensu lato in Taiwan.


Lin KH, Lai YC, Lin YP, Ho MW, Chen YC, Chung WH.

Date: 1 September 2022


Background: The rare occurrence of human cryptococcosis caused by Cryptococcus gattii sensu lato leads to difficulties in establishing the antifungal susceptibility profile between species of this potentially lethal pathogen, which may be crucial for treating cryptococcosis.

Objective: To establish an antifungal susceptibility profile of C. gattii s.l. in Taiwan.

Methods: A total of 104 environmental C. gattii s.l. strains (including multilocal sequence typing ST7, ST106, ST274, ST328, ST546, ST548 and ST630) and 21 previously collected clinical strains (including ST7, ST44, ST06, ST274, ST328 and ST329) were included in this study. We determined the minimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs) of six antifungal agents (itraconazole, fluconazole, voriconazole, posaconazole, flucytosine and amphotericin B) against environmental C. gattii s.l. strains and compared the antifungal susceptibility profiles of environmental strains with those of clinical strains.

Results: The antifungal susceptibility data demonstrated that the MICs of antifungal agents against environmental strains were comparable to those against clinical strains. Compared with strains of Cryptococcus deuterogattii, those of C. gattii sensu stricto were more susceptible to azoles and flucytosine. The differences in antifungal susceptibility between the strains of each sequence type (ST) were significant. Correlation analysis of MICs revealed cross-resistance between azoles in environmental strains of C. gattii s.l. Geographic differences in the antifungal susceptibility of C. gattii s.l. isolated from different cities in Taiwan were observed in this study.

Conclusion: Clinical and environmental strains were indistinguishable in antifungal susceptibility. The antifungal susceptibility of C. gattii s.l. is associated with STs. Therefore, establishing an ST-oriented domestic antifungal susceptibility database may help treat C. gattii s.l.-induced cryptococcosis.

Keywords: amphotericin B; antifungal susceptibility profile; cryptococcosis; fluconazole; minimum inhibitory concentrations; sequence type.

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