A new toxigenic strain of Aspergillus alliaceous


Glinsukon T, Thamavit W, Sittiracha T

Date: 13 January 2009


A new toxigenic strain of Aspergillus alliaceous species, Aspergillus alliaceous var macrosterigmutus, isolated from unpolished rice collected from Bangkabuer, Bangkok, is identified. On Czapek’s solution (3% and 20% sucrose), M40Y and malt extract agar, the strain is characterized by conidia heads with biseriate sterigmata. bearing short curved divergent conidia chains of globose conidia. The primary sterigmata are large, up to 30 micrometres in length, each bearing 3 small secondary sterigmata. Colonies on Czapek’s solution agar grow slowly 3.5-3.7 cm at 25degC in 10 days but they grow rapidly on malt extract agar, 6.2-6.5 cm and M40Y agar, 8.5-9.0 cm. Incubation at higher temperature (37degC) inhibits the growth rate, 1.0-1.2 cm in 10 days.A toxigenicity test was conducted with the crude toxin produced by A. alliaceous var macrosterigmutus. The weanling rats died within 2-3 days after oral administration of 270 mg/kg BW of the crude toxin. The pathologic lesions were observed in liver of treated rats. The most usual changes seen in liver were focal and massive necrosis without observable fatty infiltration in mostly mid lobular and periportal zones. Pathogenic effect was not observed in mice injected intravenously with spore suspension of A. alliaceous var macrosterigmutus

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